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Castle Park Photo Trip Report
June 24, 2012

Further along, we came upon this Spider. It was closed, but I had to stop and admire the signage and the overall fit and finish.


Here's a better shot of the entrance, after it opened later in the afternoon. Awesome, right? Awesome. (By the end of our stay, we'd learned that Castle Park's rides opened and closed without rhyme or reason, so fear not if something you want to try looks like it's done for the day; it probably isn't.)

And just beyond the Spider, there is this railroad crossing, which pleased me to no end.

It is this sort of detail that is part of Hurlbut's legacy, and so much of what lifts Castle Park head and shoulders over the generic urban fun parks you can find all over the country. Just gorgeous.

On the other side of the crossing, just to the right, a Gravitron. Yay. Again, knock yourselves out, kids.

Ah, The Kings Crown, a classic Yo-Yo, this I had no issues with. More of that thoughtful wrought-iron detailing, the lamps, tasty.

Here we are, ready to fly. (They space you out into every other chair when crowds are light.)

Fun, relaxing!

Could have ridden this for hours.

Yo-Yos rule.





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