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Kennywood 2011 Trip Report
August 14, 2011

I don't know what kind of wonky math it takes to make a track twist like that, but it's math we need more of.

And these wavy, serpentine twists are a unique pleasure.

Again, nothing too forceful, just goofy lateral fun.

And then we get a nice serving of bunny hops, good for some traditional bump-yer-rump action.

We all loved this machine. Truly, what a perfect fit for Kennywood. Way to rock it, Premier! Other parks: start cutting checks for one of these.

Not too far from the Rocket is the Old Mill, the last of Kennywood's dark rides for us, and still another vintage piece of amusement park history. Right now, they're calling it "Garfield's Nightmare," and I'm hoping that won't be for much longer.

It is a boat ride on water and indeed powered by a mill.

See? The mill. Love that.

Did not love the Garfield part. To be fair, I've never been a big fan of that comic strip (or cartoon, or movie, or any other iteration). A wiseacre cat that loves lasagne... ha, ha, ha. That's just me. (Man, I miss "Calvin and Hobbes" like you wouldn't believe.) But to see a ride with so much heritage cheapened with something as "merchandise-positioned" as Garfield feels crass. Plus, the ride was in "3D," which was extra lame. And the predominantly cardboard-cut-out scenery didn't help much, either. (I'll share that the small kids in our posse didn't exactly cheer for this thing.)

Really, Kennywood, I don't know how long you've still got the license to use the character, but when it's up for renewal, let it die, please. I'll come tear out all the nonsense myself. For free, and gladly.




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